Every university in the Netherlands has its own rules and procedures regarding doctoral degrees. Some are relevant when it comes to the printing of a PhD thesis:
Unfortunately, there are no general rules about the above mentioned points and every university handles this differently including the Erasmus University. Here we will discuss the most important points to keep in mind when you printing your PhD-thesis at the Erasmus University.
The main thing is that you can`t have your thesis printed before the rector magnificus gives her approval to have it printed after all formalities have been fulfilled and the titlepages has been approved by the Beadle. An example of such a titlepage can be found here: https://www.eur.nl/en/media/2021-11-voorbeeld-titelblad-2021-en0
The promotion rules determine that you must hand in 30 to 34 books at latest 5 weeks prior to your defence at the beadle`s office. The number of copies is dependent on the faculty. Besides those hardcopy copies you also have sent a digital version to the library. More information can also be found here: https://www.eur.nl/en/research/beadles-office/phd-defence-ceremonies/thesis
Eleven propositions are to be added to the thesis. Five of these propositions will have to be linked to the contents of the thesis and five not. All thesis ten propositions will have to be scientifically defendable. For the eleventh proposition this rule doesn`t apply.
As far as we know you are not obliged to have an ISBN for your PhD-thesis. This can of course be subject to change so it is always good to check this with the beatle`s office. Might you want to have an ISBN for your thesis than we can arrange this for you.
A lot more background information can be found through the following link: https://www.eur.nl/en/research/beadles-office/phd-defence-ceremonies/admission-requirements or by contact the Beadle`s office. For the printing and/or layouting of your thesis you can of course always contact us!